Eleonora Iacopini

My research interests revolve around themes of ancient topography with particular attention to the reconstruction of rural and urban landscapes with a diachronic and multidisciplinary approach. I graduated with honors in Ancient Topography at the University of Pisa with Prof. Marinella Pasquinucci, discussing a thesis entitled "Geography of the Roman-Ligurian wars", which received the special mention for best project humanistic at the GIS Toscana 2006 competition. The study of the Tuscan territory continued with the two-year Postgraduate School of Archaeological Heritage in Pisa during which I studied the population of northern coastal Etruria from prehistory to the Middle Ages, with statistical-spatial analyzes on GIS platform. Between 2014 and 2017 I obtained a PhD in Ancient History with a thesis entitled "The town hall of Novana and its territory". During this period I was responsible for the archaeological reconnaissance activity that took place for three years between the municipalities of Amandola and Comunanza in the southern Marche in collaboration with the teaching of Ancient Topography of the University of Pisa, for which I supervised the design and development of the relational database and GIS platform for the Pisa South Picenum Survey Project by Prof. Simonetta Menchelli. The research led to the location of the municipality of Novana, mentioned in the Naturalis Historia and its territory with the definition of the centurial pertica.

The Marche remained at the center of my research interest, where starting from 2019, thanks to a research grant at the University of Bologna, assisted by Prof. Enrico Giorgi, Vincenzo Baldoni and Raffaella Ciuccarelli of the Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape delle Marche, I designed and built a WEB-GIS platform, with digitization and georeferencing of the archaeological data of the city of Ancona, in order to produce an archaeological map of the city that can be consulted online. 

The development of IT platforms for the management of archaeological data continued during the OPERA project, portal for the knowledge of cultural and historical-archaeological heritage, directed by Prof. Buzi and Prof. Bogdani at the Sapienza University of Rome. I am currently part of the Digital Archeology Laboratory of the Sapienza University of Rome for the development of software and online cartography systems. I was a member of the Tolomeo Laboratory of the University of Bologna for the development of Archaeological Maps and WebGIS, of the Ancient Topography Laboratory of the University of Pisa, as head of the archaeological database and of the WEB-GIS platform for the territories of Pisa, Volterra , Rosignano Marittimo, Fermo and Comunanza. In addition to my research activity, I have worked as a freelance both as an archaeologist with twenty years of experience in the field of preventive and public archeology and as a frontend and backend programmer, gaining skills in various programming languages ​​for the development of IT platforms both client-side and server.

e-mail: eleonora.iacopini@uniroma1.it

Further information

orcid id: 0000-0001-9452-9092

Deposited publications available on ResearchGate and Academia

Selected publications:

  • E. Iacopini, Guarino G., 2022, Archeologia dei paesaggi: dalla ricerca sul campo alla gestione dei dati con strumenti FOSS durante il lock-down. Il caso di Agrigento, in Nuove Tecnologie open source per la gestione dei beni, delle attività culturali e del turismo
  • C. Coletti, S. Menchelli, E. Iacopini, 2021, Sotto il segno di Roma, in L’appennino centrale e le sue storie, ed. Quasar, Roma
  • E. Iacopini, Menchelli S., 2021, Novana ed il suo territorio fra età tardoantica e Medioevo, in Atti del I Convegno Internazionale di Archeologia Medievale nelle Marche (Macerata, 9-11 maggio 2019) a cura di Moscatelli – Sacco
  • E. Iacopini, Menchelli S., 2019, Pisa South Picenum Survey Project: contributo ad una lettura integrata dei paesaggi, in Agri centuriati: an international Journal of Landscape Archaeology: 15, 2018
  • E. Iacopini, S. Menchelli, 2017, I territori di Firmum e Novana: analisi comparative sulle ricerche in corso, in Picus XXXVII.
  • E. Iacopini, S. Menchelli,2016, Novana, its territory and the Pisa South Picenum Survey Project, in Fold&R www.fastionline.org/docs/FOLDER-it-2016-353.pdf
  • A. Morelli, M. Idilli, E. Benvenuti, E. Iacopini, Le indagini geofisiche, in E. Sorge et alii, 2016, La scoperta dell’anfiteatro di Volterra, in Notiziario della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana 11/2015