Lorenzo De Cinque
I am Lorenzo De Cinque and I am currently a PhD candidate in Scienze dell’antichità (Classics) at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa. My research interests focus on Latin funerary epigraphy, Roman history of the Late Republic, the topography of Rome and Public Archaeology.
I hold a B.A. degree in Lettere, arti e archeologia (Humanities) at the University of Ferrara (2022) with a thesis aimed to the reconstruction of economic activities in the imperial saltus of the ancient Po Delta, based on local inscriptions. My studies continued at the Sapienza University of Rome, where I obtained a M.A. degree in Archaeology (2024): here, I deepened the study of funerary space in Rome, particularly through the analysis of the termini sepulcrorum in the Late Republican and Early Imperial periods. At the same time, I wrote a thesis focusing on the inscriptions preserved at the Civico Lapidario of Ferrara, with the goal of publishing a reasoned catalogue of these inscriptions (supervisor: Prof. Gian Luca Gregori).
Thanks to an Erasmus+ Traineeship grant, I took part in the project Italian Power. The Civic Elites of Roman Italy, 338 BCE-305 CE, funded by the École française de Rome, at the University of Nantes. This research project aims to create an online prosopographical database of the civic elites of Italy between the 4th century BCE and the 4th century CE. My work centred on the study of the municipal élite of Brixia and the creation of prosopographical records for the new database using the Heurist software (supervisors: Bertrand Augier, Nantes Université; Federico Santangelo, Newcastle University).
I also engaged in the archaeological project Appia Antica 39 (2022-2024) managed by the University of Ferrara, where I worked within the communication team as press officer.
The funerary space in Late Republican and Early Imperial epigraphy of Rome presents a specific formulary – the indicatio pedaturae – that allows us to reason about the measurements of burial plots. By correlating this data with the contexts in which the cippus were found along the road axes, it is possible to attempt to reconstruct the suburban funerary landscape and the economy that revolved around these loca.
The aim of the project is to identify the trends underlying the funerary plots market in the suburbs of Rome, specifically in relation to the main roads. The final goal is to understand whether the recurring presence of certain measurements is determined by market dynamics. Indeed, the data on the size of the burial plots, combined with prosopographical information about their owners, could reveal a new funerary geography of the city.
By matching the collected data - encompassing archaeological, topographical, literary, linguistic, prosopographical, and legal information - and conducting comparative statistical analyses across different contexts, it may be possible to hypothesize an «average wealth» corresponding to the various funerary monuments.
· Orcid id: 0009-0007-9631-5769 (https://orcid.org/0009-0007-9631-5769)
· Mail: lorenzo.decinque@sns.it
· Deposited publications available on Academia (https://sns.academia.edu/LorenzoDeCinque)
· De Cinque, L. (2024), “Definizione e misurazione dello spazio funerario nell’epigrafia tardorepubblicana e protoimperiale lungo la via Latina (I-III miglio). Un’indagine campione”, Epigraphica 86, pp. 129-150. https://doi.org/10.48255/0013-9572.epigr.86.2024.10